Unknown Microphotograph Maker
"Yellow Labels, No Name, No Number"

by Brian Stevenson
last updated October, 2024

English microphotograph slides are often seen which have yellow labels, without either identifying initials/name or series numbers. "The Kings & Queens of England" slide uses an image that was produced in 1858 by Henry Hering (Figure 2), and was also used by other microphotograph makers such as Alfred Reeves. The other images shown here are unique to this maker, to the best of my knowledge.

Any information on this maker’s / these makers' identity, or other examples of their work, will be greatly appreciated.


Figure 1. Known microphotograph slides by this maker


Figure 2. A photographer named Henry Hering produced this composite image in 1858, and issued a cdv-sized version of the kings and queens montage in 1862. Front and back views are shown. The illustrated advertisement is from the December 4, 1858 issue of The Athenaeum. Another maker of microphotograph slides, Alfred Reeves, began selling slides with this image in 1859.