Pictorial Index of
Early Microscope Slide Makers and Retailers
A complete list of biographied microscopists may be seen to the left
James Abbott
Abraham Abraham
"Acari Man"
James Adams
E.L. Adlington
Alfred W. Alabaster
Aldridge, W.
Alfred Allen
Richard Allen
Roy M. Allen
C. Alliot
Joseph Amadio
W.S. Anderson
H.F. Angus
George A. Walker-Arnott
John Atkinson
B. M. S., the Bath Microscopical Society
B. S., Benjamin Saynor
Charles Bailey
J.A. Ball
William Barbeck
Barbour Brothers
E.E. Barker
John E. Barnett (J.B.)
Hunter J. Barron
Colonel G.H. Basevi
Bath Microscopical Society (B. M. S.)
Bausch and Lomb
A.W. Bawtree
H.C. Beasley (H.C.B.)
W.D. Benson
Bernard (preparer)
John Berney
Jacob Binder (J B)
William Blackburn
I. Percy Blackman
Charles Blasdale
Clemence Bleuse
Heinrich Boecker
John Boggust
James W. Bond (J.W.B.)
Mary Ann Booth
W.H. Booth
Richard Borrows
Edwin Bostock
Charles Botterill
Charles Bourgogne
Eugene Bourgogne
H. Bourgogne
Joseph Bourgogne
Bourgogne Brothers / Bourgogne Freres
Bourgogne and Alliot
Bourgogne and Pouilliart
John Boyd
F.F.H. Boxall
A.P. Bradshaw
Braham Brothers
John Bramhall
F. Richard Brauer
Thomas Brittain
F.R. Brokenshire
Albert P. Brown
Amos P. Brown
Nicholas E. Brown
Bessie Bryant
Martin Burgess
Nehemiah Burgess
Tom Burrell
William Burton
J.W. Butcher
John Butterworth
Robert Bygott
“C.V.S.” (C.V. Smith)
J.D. Calloway
Charles Camp
F.B. Carter
F.L. Carter
George Carter
Joseph L. Casartelli
Robert Cauch
W.E. Challinor
George F. Chantrell
W.H. Cheesman
Albert H. Chester
J.S. Cheyney
H.H. Clarke
Clarke and Page
G.A. Clout
Cocken, John Fisher
Cockey, C.H.
Cokayne, W.G.
Cole, Arthur C.
Cole, Arthur C.
Charles Collins, Jr.
Charles Collins, Sr.
W.R. Comings
Charles Coppock
Arthur Cottam
E.S. Coutant
C.F. Cox
J.D. Cox
J.D. Cox, Jr.
R. Percy Crandall
C.F. Cross
H. Crowther
Charles Croydon
Francis Bertram Cunningham
G.H. Curtis
W.H. Curtis
Robert Custance
George Daintrey
Harold Dalton
John B. Dancer
William H. Darker
Herbert W.H Darlaston
A. T. Davies
Gerald Davies
George E. Davis
William B. Davis
John H. Day
Charles H. Denison (C.H.D.)
George Dickie
Frederick Dienelt
Albert Dittmann
J.W. Dixon
Thomas E. Doeg
Arthur J. Doherty
A.P. Drake
Robert Drosten
Ella M. Drury
Georges Dubar
"E. M."
L.M. Eastman
Henry E. Ebbage
Frederick Eckstein Jr.
Eimer and Amend
Charles Elcock
E.J. Elgee
Albert Elger
W.R. Emmins
F.H. Engels
Theodor Eulenstein
Frederick H. Evans
Eric D. Evens
"Fancy Borders"
J.E. Fawcett
R. Field and Son (probably)
W.A. Firth
George W. Fiss
T.U. Flanner
D. Folsom
F.F. Forbes
John Ford
Murray Fowler ("M.F.")
Henry E. Freeman
Gustave Froment
Eduardo Fungairiño
John N. Furze
G. D,
Henry (Harry) Garrett
William Gatrell
H. L. Gauntlett
William O. Geller (W.O.G.)
C.F. George
R. Getschmann
G.H.M. Goehring
Peter Goodfellow
H.J. Gray
James Green
Dr. J.C. Green
A.L. Gregory
J.C. Gregory
J.R. Gregory
"Grey Beard" (G.C. Taylor)
J.W. Griffith
Johannes Grönland
Thomas Groves
Dr. G. Grubler, Dr. K. Hollborn
Herbert Gunnery
Henry Hall
Richard Hancock
Henry Hanna
Reverend John Hanson
Laurence Hardman
Joseph H. Hardy
F.T. Harmon
William Harvey
William E. Harvey
H. Hawkes
John F. Haws
H. E.
James Healey
Ernest Heath
Walter Hemingway
T. Henderson
W. Henley
Heinrich Hensoldt
John Hepworth
A.B. Hervey
Alexander Hett
S. C. Hincks
Ernest Hinton
James T. Hinton
Romyn Hitchcock
Dr. K. Hollborn (Dr. G. Grubler)
J.C. Hope
L.R.J. Horn
James Hornell
Edward Horsnaill
Romeyn B. Hough
James How and Co.
Edward G. Howard
James B. Howard
H. P.
Rev. Ed. Huber
F.T. Hudson, Hudson and Son
J.W.D. Hume
J.G. Hunt
John Hunter
J.J. Hunter
Hunter and Sands
Husbands and Clarke
John C. Hutcheson
Josef Hyrtl
B. Daydon Jackson
P. Jessop
Rev. William Johnson
Arthur M. Johnstone
Adrien Jolly
Jones, William (Newburgh, New York)
J.B. Jordan
William Joshua
Alexis A. Julien
J. W.
C. Henry Kain
Dr. Eduard Kaiser’s Institut für Mikroskopie
B. Karleese
F.J. Keeley
G.F. Kent
J.D. King
Johannes Kinker
P. Klavsen
Klönne and Müller
Rice D. Knight
Dr. F. Krantz
William Ladd
W. Ladlow
Frederick H. Lang
W. and F. Langenheim
L.J. Laporte
I.H. Lawton
E. Lennie
E. Leonard
J. Lewis
J.H. Lewis
Mrs. G.H. Lewis (Katharine Lewis)
John D. Locke
Thomas W. Lofthouse
London Stereoscopic and Photographic Co.
John A. Long
William T. Loy
M. D. Luehrs
James D. Macphail (J.D.M.)
Richard L. Maddox
J.D. Mallonee
Charles Marchand
Sylvester Marsh
Frederick Marshall
Frederick R. Martin
James A. Martin
John H. Martin
Norman N. Mason
R.G. Mason
Joseph McKay
W. S. McKee
Dr. J.W. Meeker
H. Meller
C.C. Merriman
Fritz Meyer
J.L.W. Miles
Laurence Miles
F.W. Mills
Henry Mills
Lewis G. Mills
George Otis Mitchell
Andrew Moffat
William Moginie
D. F. Möller
Joseph Bickerton Morgan
Allen Y. Moore
The Morphological Laboratory
Dr. J.H. Morton
J.H. Murray
E. Neumann
James W. Neville
A.B. Newman
E.R. Newmarch
G.T.W. Newsholme
Newton and Co.
John T. Norman
William Norris
Charles Henry Oakden
Moritz Ohlenburger
Charles Todd Owen
J.J. Owles
Frederick Oxley
J.W. Page
"Palate Man"
T. Chalkley Palmer
James Parkes and Son
F.W. Parrott
F.W. Patching
William M. Paterson (WMP)
A. Peniston
Charles R. Percival
E.A. Perry
C.L. Peticolas
Robert Pettigrew
Alexandre Picart
Pierce, F.N.
Piersol, G.A.
Bernard Piffard (B.P.)
Pike and Son
Moritz Pillischer
Samuel Piper
William H. Pratt
Henry Pocklington
William B. Poole
William E. Porter
Philippe - Jacques Potteau
Herbert Potter
H. Pouilliart
Christopher S. Poulter
Cornelius Poulton
Thomas Henry Powell
W. A. Poyser
Charles Pumphrey
James W. Queen and Company
B.F. Quimby
Gertrude A. Quimby
George E. Quick
Conrad von Rappard / A. Menzel and Co. / Engell and Co. / Schäffer and Budenberg
Joseph Rataboul
James H. Redfern
John T. Redmayne
John W. Reed
Alfred Reeves (A.R.)
E.A. Reeves
W.B. Rezner
John Rhodes (Accrington)
John Rhodes (geologist)
B. Wills Richardson
W.E. Richardson
E.G.T. Roberts
T.W. Robertson
George H. Robinson
Carl Rodig
G.H.J. Rogers
H.J. Roper
Charles F. Rousselet
C. H. Rowley
Thomas D. Russell
“S.L.” (J. Tempère)
John Salt
Emmanuel Samuels
Leonard Sandall
John Sargent, Jr.
William Low Sarjeant
Benjamin Saynor
Schlüter and Mass
Daniël Scholte
Wilhelm Schubert
Adolf Schulze
D. Bryce Scott
Edward W. Sharp
Frederick W. Sharpus
Ernest H. Shaw
"J. Sheppard" / Catherine Sheppard
J. H. Shorrocks
John A. Schulze
Franz Sigmund
C.H. Sidebotham
John Simm (John Sim)
W.J. Simmons
Joseph Sinel
Sinel and Hornell
Slatter, T.J.
Sloan, John
C.V. Smith (Charles Vance Smith)
Frank Percy Smith
H.L. Smith
James Smith (Smith, Beck and Beck)
Charles D. Soar
Joseph Solomon (J.S.-gothic)
Southall Brothers and Barclay
Thomas Southwart
E.W.R. Spratly
W.F. Stanley
T.W. Starr
Stazione Zoologica Napoli
J.W. Steele
Isaac Stephenson
E. T. Stevens
Samuel Stevens
William C. Stevenson, Jr.
I.F. Stidham
S.E. Stiles
J.O. Stillson
W.W. Stoddart
Dr. A.C. Stokes
John C. Stovin
W. H. Summers
Richard Suter
George Swainson
Charles L. Swasey
Mark Langdon Sykes
"T. H."
J.E. Tanner (I.E. Tanner)
John Tatham
George Creed Taylor ("Grey Beard")
John Taylor (J.T.)
J.C. Taylor
Washington Teasdale
J. Tempère
Tempère and Dutertre
Tempère and Peragallo
Tempère and Petit
James Tennant
Karl Thiersch
B.W. Thomas
H.B. Thomas
I.C. Thompson
Eduard Thum
A.C. Tipple
Charles Morgan Topping
Tom Turnell
John Palmer Tylee (J. P. T.)
T.S. Up de Graff
H.M.J. Underhill
W.H. Van Sickel
A. Verinder
Henry Vial
George R. Vine
Rev. John E. Vize
Charles M. Vorce
Edward H. Vredenburgh
C.E. Waddington
W. Waddington
Paul Waechter
E. Wainwright
James Walker
J. Walker Wood
W.C. Walker
P.E. Wallis
W.H. Walmsley
D.B. Ward
Edward Ward
Dr. R.S. Warren
I.W. Watson
Watson and Sharpe
A. Watt
W.W. Watts
Henry Webb
William Webb
Charles Wellington
Joseph Wellington
Henry West (H.W.)
William West
Edmund Wheeler
H. C. Wheeler
T. Charters White
W. White
Walter White
H.C. Whitfield
W.D. Wickes
George Wilks
George Willis
Collis Willmott
Alfred P. Wire
Otto N. Witt
Frederick G. Wood
J. Walker Wood
H.S. Woodman
Samuel P. Woodward (S.P.W.)
G.S. Woolman
Lewis Woolman
J.P. Wright
Mrs. M. Wright
W. Wyatt
J. Percival Yates
Abraham Ypelaar
Jeremiah L. Zabriskie
Charles Zentmayer
Microphotograph Makers and Retailers
Joseph Amadio
Joseph L. Casartelli (J.L.C.)
"Fancy Borders"
William O. Geller (W.O.G.)
Unknown maker "Green Labels, No Name, Plain"
Unknown maker "Green Labels, No Name, Gothic"
Unknown maker H.J.B.
Unknown maker J.B.
Unknown maker J.G.
William Moginie (W.M.)
Alfred Reeves (A.R.)
Joseph Solomon (J.S.-gothic)
John C. Stovin (J.S./J.C.S.)
Richard Suter
Henry West (H.W.)
Edmund Wheeler
George Willis
"Yellow Laels, No Name, No Numbers"
Unidentified Slide-Makers
Mrs. M. Wright
Unknown Maker 2
Unknown Maker 3
Unknown Maker 4