New and revised:
* Tanner, J.E.
Tanner, I.E.
Davies, Gerald
Crowther, H.
Keeley, F.J.
Thompson, I.C.
Poyser, W.A.
Curtis, G.H.
McKee, W.S.



Facebook Page

Microscope and Slide Makers:
Picture Index

Abbott, James
Abraham, Abraham
Abraham and Co.
Abraham and Dancer
"Acari Man"
Ackland, W.
Adams, James
Adlington, E.L.
Alabaster, A.W.
Aldridge, W.
Allen, Alfred
Allen, Richard
Allen, Roy M.
Alliot, C.
Aloe, A.S.
Aloe and Son
Aloe & Hernstein
Aloe & Penfold
Amadio, Joseph
Anderson, Henry
Anderson and Sons
Anderson, W.S.
Angus, H.F.
Arnott, George A.W.
Aronsberg, Maurice
Aronsberg, W.
Atkinson, John
Au Griffon
Avizard, C.X.
Avizard, R.G.
Bachmann, Otto
Bailey, Charles
Ball, J.A.
  new, June, 2024
Bancks, Robert
Bancks and Son
Banks, Robert
Barbeck, William
Barbour Bros.
Barbour, James
Barker, E.E.
Barnett, John
Barron, Hunter J.
Basevi, Col. G.H.
Bate, R.B.
Bath Microscopical Society
Bausch and Lomb
Bawtree, A.W.
Beasley, H.C.
  new, June, 2024
Beilby, Richard and Charles
Benson, W.D.
Bernard (preparer)
Berney, John
Bertrand, Emile
Bézu, Hausser, and Co.
Binder, Jacob
Bithray, Stephen
Blackburn, William
Blackman, I. Percy
Blasdale, C.
Bleuse, Clemence
Bleuler, John
Blunt, Edward
Blunt, Thomas
Blunt and Son
Boecker, H.
Boecker, W.E.
Boggust, John
Bond, James W.
Booth, Mary Ann
Booth, W.H.
Borrows, Richard
Bostock, E.
Botterill, Charles
Bourgogne, Charles
Bourgogne, Eugene
Bourgogne, Joseph
Bourgogne, H.
Bourgogne Freres
Bourgogne and Alliot
Bourgogne and

Boyd, John
Boxall, F.F.H.
Bradshaw, A.P.


Braham Brothers
Braham, John
Braham, George
Braham, Philip
Bramhall, John
Brauer, F. Richard
Brittain, Thomas
Brock, John
Brock, Philip
Brokenshire, F.R.
Brooks, Alfred
Brown, Amos P.
Brown, N.E.
Bryant, B.
Burgess, J.W.
Burgess, Martin
Burgess, Nehemiah
Burrell, Tom
Buron, Joseph
Buron, Noël
Burton, W.
Butcher, J.W.
Butterworth, J.
Bygott, R.
Calloway, J.D.
Camp, Charles
Carpenter, Mary
Carpenter, Philip
Carpenter and Westley
Carter, F.B.
Carter, F.L.
Carter, George
Cary, William
Casartelli, Joseph L.
Cauch, Robert
Challinor, W.E.
Chantrell, G.F.
Cheesman, W.H.
Chester, Albert H.
Chevalier, Arthur
Chevalier, Charles
Chevalier, Louis
Chevalier, Victor
Chevalier, Vincent
Chevallier, A.
Chevallier, Alphonse
Chevallier, J.G.A.
Chevallier, l’Ingénieur
Chevallier, P.M.A.
Cheyney, J.S.
Clarke, Herbert H.
Clarke, William
Clarke and Page
Clout, G.A.
Cocken, John F.
Cockey, C.H.
Cohen, Simon P.
Cokayne, W.G.
Cole, Arthur C.
Cole, Martin J.
Collins, Charles Jr.
Collins, Charles Sr.
Comings, W.R.
Coppock, Charles
Cottam, Arthur
Coutant, E.S.
Cox, C.F.
Cox, J.D.
Cox, J.D., Jr.
Craig, Henry
Craig Microscope
Crandall, R. Percy
Cross, C.F.
Crouch, Henry
Crouch, H. and W.
Crowther, H.
  new, August, 2024
Croydon, Charles
Cumming, Alexander
Cunningham, F.B.
Curtis, G.H.
  new, July, 2024
Curtis, W.H.
Custance, Robert
Cutts, J.P.
Cutts, J.P., and Sons
Cutts, J.P., Sons, and Sutton
Cutts, J.P., Sutton, and Son(s)
Dr. E.K.
DaCosta, J.M.
Daintrey, G.
Dallmeyer, J.H.
Dalton, Harold
Dancer, John B.
Dancer, Josiah
Darker, William H.
Darlaston, H.W.H.
Davies, A.T.
Davies, Gerald
  new, September, 2024
Davies, Thomas
Davis, George E.
Davis, William B.
Day, John H.
Demainbray, S.C.T.
Denison, Charles H.
Dickie, George
Dienelt, Frederick
Dittmann, Albert
Dixon, J.W.
Doeg, T.E.
Doherty, Arthur J.
Dollond, George
Dollond, John
Dollond, Peter
Dollond, William
Dollond & Co.
Doninelli, T.
Drake, A.P.
Drosten, Robert
Drury, E.M.
Dubar, Georges
Ducray, A.V.
Ducray-Chevallier, A.V.
Eastman, L.M.
Ebbage, Henry E.
Eckstein, F., Jr.
Eimer & Amend
Elcock, Charles
Elgee, E.J.
Elger, Albert
Emmins, W.R.
Engell and Co.
Engels, F.H.
Eulenstein, T.
Evans, Frederick H.
Evens, Eric D.
Favray, J.C.
Fawcett, J.E.
Field, Robert
Field and Co.
Field and Son
Firth, W.A.
Fiss, George, W.
Flanner, T.U.
Folsom, D.
Fontana, A.
Forbes, F.F.
Ford, John
Fowler, M.
Fox, Samuel L.
Freeman, Henry E.
Frith, P.
Frith Brothers
Froment, Gustave
Fungairiño, Eduardo
"Furnace" microscopes
Furze, John N.
Gabory, E.
Gardiner, James B.
Garrett, Henry (Harry)
Gatrell, William
Gauntlett, H.L.
Geller, William O.
George, C.F.
Getschmann, R.
Goehring, G.H.M.
Goodfellow, Peter
Gould, Charles
Gould, Henry
Gray, H.J.
Green, James
Green, Dr. J.C.
Gregory, A.L.
Gregory, J.C.
Gregory, J.R.
  new, June, 2024
Gregory, Thomas
"Grey Beard"
Griffith, John W.
Au Griffon
Grönland, Johannes
Groves, Thomas
Grübler, George
Gundlach, Ernst
Gunnery, Herbert J.
  new, June, 2024
Hall, Henry
Hancock, Richard
Hanna, Henry
Hanson, Rev. John
Hardman, Laurence
Hardy, Joseph H.
Harmon, F.T.
Harris, George
T. Harris & Son
Harris, Thomas
Hartnack, Edmund
Harvey, William
Harvey, W.E.
Hawkes, H.
Haws, J.F.
Healey, James
Heath, Ernest
Heath, Vernon
Heisch, Charles
Hemingway, W.
Hen, Hendrik
Henderson, T.
Hensoldt, Heinrich
Hepworth, John
Hervey, A.B.
Hett, Alexander
Highley, Samuel
Hill, John
Hincks, S.C.
Hinton, Ernest
Hinton, James T.
Hitchcock, Romyn
Hollborn, Karl
Hope, J.C.
Horne, Fallon
Horne, Thornthwaite,
  and Wood

Horne and

Hornell, James
Horsnaill, Edward
Hough, Romeyn B.
How, James
Howard, E.G.
Howard, James B.
Huber, Ed.
Hudson, F.T.
Hudson and Son
Hume, J.W.D.
Hunt, J.G.
Huntley, Robert
Hunter, J.J.
Hunter, John
Hunter and Sands
Husbands, Henry
Husbands and Clarke
Hutcheson, John C.
Hyrtl, Josef
  new, July, 2024
l’Ingénieur Chevallier
J.B. (microphotos)
J.B. (specimens, UK)
J.B. (specimens, USA)
J.S. (specimens)
J.S. (microphotos)
J.S.-gothic (microphotos)
Jackson, B. Daydon
Jecker, F.A.
Jessop, P.
Johnson, Rev. W.
Johnstone, Arthur
Jolly, A.
Jones, J. and Son
Jones, J. and T.
Jones, Samuel
Jones, W. and S.
Jones, W.W.
Jones, William
  (W. & S. Jones)

Jones, W. (New York)
Jordan, J.B.
Joshua, William
Julien, Alexis A.
Kain, C. Henry
Kaiser, Eduard
Karleese, B.
Keeley, F.J.
  new, August, 2024
Kent, G.F.
Killingbeck, J.H.
King and Coombs
King and Son
King, John
King, J.D.
King, Thomas D.
Kinker, Johannes
Klavsen, Povl
Klönne and Müller
Klönne, Julius
Knight, George
Knight, Capt. Rice D.
Korth, Anke
Krantz, F.
Krügelstein, Rudolf
Krügelstein and Magen
Kruines, Mathias
Kruines, Marie-François
Kruines, Marie-Madeleine
Krüss, A.
Kubler, Jacques
Ladd, William
Ladlow, W.
Lang, Frederick H.
Langenheim, W. & F.
Laporte, L.J.
Lawley, W.
Lawton, I.H.
Lerebours, Noel-Jean
Lerebours, Noel Paymal
Lerebours et Secrétan
Leonard, E.
Lewis, J.
Lewis, J.H.
Lewis, Mrs. G.H.
Lincoln, Charles
Locke, John D.
Lofthouse, T.W.
London Stereoscopic
  and Photographic Co.

Long, John A.
Louis, S
Loy, William T.
Luehrs, M.D.
  new, June, 2024
Macphail, James D.
Maddox, Richard L.
Magen, Richard
Mallonee, J.D.
Manning, William
Marchand, Charles
Marsh, Sylvester
Marshall, Frederick
Martin, Frederick R.
Martin, James A.
Martin, John H.
Mason, Norman N.
Mason, R.G.
Mass, Otto
Matthews, William
    (Camden Rd.)

Matthews, William
    (Portugal/Carey St.)

Matthews Brothers
Mauss, Louis
McKay, Joseph
McKee, W.S.
  new, July, 2024
Meeker, J.W.
Meller, H.
Menzel, August
Merker, Ludwig
Merriman, C.C.
Meyer, Fritz
"The Micrograph"
Miles, J.L.W.
Miles, Laurence
Millikin, John

Millikin, John

Millikin and Lawley
Mills, F.W.
Mills, Henry
Mills, L.G.
Mitchell, G.O.
Mirand aîné
Mirand fils
Moffat, Andrew
Moginie, William
Möller, D.F.
Möller, J.D.
Moon microphotographs
Moore, Allen Y.
Morgan, J.B.

Morton, Dr. J.H.
Müller, Gustav
Murray and Heath
Murray, J.H.
Murray, Robert
Neumann, E.
Neville, James W.
Newman, A.B.
Newmarch, E.R.
Newsholme, G.T.W.
Newton & Co.
Newton, Frederick
Newton, W.E. & F.
Norman, John T.
Norris, William
Oakden, C.H.
Oberhaeuser, Georges
Ohlenburger, M.
Overstall, John
Overstall, W.T.
Owen, Charles T.
Owles, J.J.
Oxley, Frederick
Page, John W.
"Palate Man"
Palmer, Edward
Palmer, T. Chalkley
Parkes and Son
Parrott, F.W.
Patching, F.W.
Paterson, William M.
Patoueille, E.C.A.
Patoueille, E.V.
Peniston, A.
Percival, C.R.
Perry, E.A.
Peticolas, C.L.
Pettigrew, Robert
Picart, A.
Pierce, F.N.
Piersol, G.A.
Piffard, B.
Pike, Benjamin
Pike, Benjamin, Jr.
Pike, Benjamin,
  and Son(s)

Pillischer, Jacob
Pillischer, Moritz
Piper, Samuel I.
Pocklington, Henry
Poole, W.B.
Porter, Henry
Porter, William E.
Potteau, P.-J.
Potter, Herbert
Potter, J.D.
Pouilliart, H.
Pouilliart and

Poulter, C.S.
Poulton, Cornelius
Powell, Thomas Henry
Poyser, W.A.
  new, July, 2024
Pratt, William H.
Prażmowski, Adam
Pritchard, Andrew
Proctor & Beilby
Proctor, Charles
Proctor, G. & W.
Puchler, August
Pumphrey, Charles
Putois, E.A.
Queen, J.W.
Queslin, A.
Quimby, B.F.
Quimby, G.A.
Quick, G.E.
von Rappard, Conrad
Rataboul, Joseph
Redfern, James H.
Redfern, Peter
Redmayne, John T.
Reed, John W.
Reeves, Alfred
Reeves, E.A.
Rezner, W.B.
Rhodes, John

Rhodes, J.

Richardson, B. Wills
Richardson, W.E.
Roberts, E.G.T.
Robertson, T.W.
Robinson, George H.
Rochette Jeune
Rodig, C.
Roessler, Paul
Rogers, G.H.J.
Roper, H.J.
Rousselet, C.F.
Rowley, C.H.
Ruck, William
Rushby, W.
Russell, Thomas D.
Saldarini, Joseph
Salt, John
Samuels, E.
Sandall, Leonard
Sands, Charles
Sargent, J. Jr.
Sarjeant, William Low
Sas, Martin
Saynor, B.
Schäffer and

Schlüter, Carl
Dr. Schlüter and Mass
Dr. Schlüter and Dr. Mass
Scholte, Daniël
Schröder, Hugo
Schubert, Wilhelm
Schulze, Adolf
Scott, D. Bryce
Secrétan, Auguste
Secrétan, Georges
Secrétan, Marc
Sharp, E.W.
Sharpe, Thomas H.W.
Sharpus, Frederick W.
Shaw, Ernest H.
Sheppard, "J."

Shorrocks, J.H.
Shulze, John A.
Sidebotham, C.H.
Sigmund, Fr.
Sim, John
Simm, John
Simmons, W.J.
Sinel, Joseph
Sinel and Hornell
Sisson, Jeremiah
Slatter, T.J.
Sloan, John
Smith, Addison
Smith, C.V.
Smith, D.L.
Smith, Frank P.
Smith, George
Smith, H.L.
Smith, James
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Robert
Soar, C.D.
Solomon, Joseph
Southall Brothers
  & Barclay

Soury, A.M.F.
Southwart, Thomas
Sparrow, W.
Spiers, William
Spratly, E.R.W.
Springer, Joshua
Stanley, W.F.
Starr, T.W.
Statham, W.E.
Stazione Zoologica

Steele, J.W.
Stephenson, I.
Stevens, E.T.
Stevens, Samuel
Stevenson, W.C., Jr.
Stidham, I.F.
Stiles, S.E.
Stillson, J.O.
Stoddart, W.W.
Stokes, A.C.
Stovin, John C.
Summers, W.H.
Suter, Richard
Sutton, James
Sutton, John
Swainson, George
Swasey, C.L.
Sykes, M.L.
Tanner, I.E.
  new, September, 2024
Tanner, J.E.
  new, September, 2024
Tatham, John
Taylor, Joseph
Taylor, J.C.
Taylor, G.C.
Teasdale, W.
Tempère, J.
Tempère and Dutertre
Tempère and Peragallo
Tempère and Petit
Tennant, James
Thiersch, Karl
Thomas, B.W.
Thomas, H.B.
Thompson, I.C.
  new, July, 2024
Thornthwaite, W.H.
Thornton, Rev. John
Thum, Eduard
Tighe, E.H. & F.H.
Tighe, Edward H.
Tighe, Frederick H.
Tipple, Alfred C.
Tolles, R.B.
Topping, Charles M.
Trécourt, Achille
Treuer, R.
Turnell, T.
Tuther, John
Tylee, J.P.
Underhill, H.M.J.
Up de Graff, T.S..
Van Sickel, W.H.
Verick, Constant
Verinder, A.
Vial, Henry
Vine, G.R.
Vize, Rev. John E.
Vorce, C.M.
Vredenburgh, E.H.
Waddington, C.E.
Waddington, W.
Waechter, Paul
Wainwright, E.
Wale, George
Walker, James
Walker, W.C.
Walker-Arnott, G.A.
Walker Wood, J.
Wallis, P.E.
Walmsley, W.H.
Ward, D.B.
Ward, Edward
Warren, R.S.
Watkins and Hill
Watkins, Francis
Watkins, Jeremiah
Watson and Sharpe
Watson, I.W.
Watson, John W.
Watt, A.
Watts, W.W.
Webb, Henry
Webb, William
Wellington, C.
Wellington, Joseph
West, B.
West, Charles J.H.
West, Henry
West, William
Westley, William
Wheeler, Edmund
Wheeler, H.C.
  new, June, 2024
White, T. Charters
White, W.
White, Walter
Whitfield, H.C.
Wickes, W.D.
Wilks, George
Willis, George.
Willmott, C.
Winkler & Wagner
Winspear, J.E.
Wire, Alfred P.
Witt, Otto N.
Wood, Edward G.
Wood, Frederick G.
Wood, George S.
Wood, John J.
Wood, J. Walker
Woodman, H.S.
Woodward, S.P.
Woolman, G.S.
Woolman, Lewis
Wray, William
Wright, J.P.
Wright, Mrs. M.
Wyatt, W.
Yates, J. Percival
Ypelaar, Abraham
Zabriskie, J.L.
Zentmayer, Charles


Amadio, J.
A.R. (A. Reeves)
"Green Labels, No Name, Gothic"
"Green Labels, No Name, Plain"
H.W. (H. West)
J.C.S. (J.C. Stovin)
J.L.C. (J.L. Casartelli)
J.S. (J. Stovin)
J.S.-gothic (J. Solomon)
Möller, J.D.
Moon microphotographs.
"Pink Labels, Handwritten"
Suter, Richard
W.M. (William Moginie)
W.O.G. (W.O. Geller)
Wheeler, Edmund
Willis, George.


Important makers whose works have not been identified:
Thornton, Rev. John


Who made these?
"Green Papers"
Wright, Mrs. M.
Slide Maker 2
Slide Maker 3
Slide Maker 4


Items of Historical Interest, Curiosities, etc.

Forged “Antique” Microscope Slides

Slides of Ticks

ca. 1780-1800 naturalists folding simple microscopes

ca. 1840 F. West surgical microscope

1843, “On the Different Modes of Preserving Microscopic Objects”,

1844, Maggot from the stomach of girl

1860-1910, French "dual-column" microscopes ”

1865, The “Craig Microscope

1875, "Microscope portatif" ("pocket microscope") of Alphonse Chevallier

1876, The Kentucky Meat Shower

1879, Adulterated flour

1880-1900, French “dual-column” microscopes

1880, The “Micrograph / Stereograph

1883, Unsere Modernen Mikroskope, by Otto Bachmann

1884, The “Micro-Photoscope

1890, "Half Hours with the Microscope" stereoview

ca. 1900 Stereoviews of Microscopical Objects

1902, Microscope-themed stereoview

1910, Queen Victoria photographed through the compound eye of a beetle

1916, Fabric from a German airship, shot down over England

Photographs, Paintings, etc. of Microscopists


Links to Other Microscopy Sites